Train stations and airports transfers

Reliable & sustainable transfers

Fair service, at home

In addition to public transport, our drivers pick you up at the address of your choice, 24/7, with or without a suitcase, with or without pain back, fit or tired. The eaxct pick up time may vary from 15 minutes on the schedule, depending on your location in relation to the final destination. The passenger furthest from the final destination will be picked up first a little in advance, while the one closest to the destination will get in the car last with a possible delay of 15 minutes maximum.

Our algorithms optimize and limit the durations & distances of your journeys.

A journey shared with other passengers sees its duration increased by 15 minutes on average. Our priority, after your safety, is to respect your time requirements. When the duration of journey becomes excessive due to sharing with additional passengers, our algorithms generate the creation of a new trip with an additional driver for these new passengers to allow everyone to arrive on time!

A fair service also for drivers

As for our passengers, the drivers are at the heart of our concerns. In order to always deliver a reliable and quality service, we remunerate our drivers fairly, by average 45% and up to 100% more than other platforms. The fare paid by each additional passenger in the same vehicle is shared between the driver and TaxyMatch. Thus, the more shares, the better the driver is paid. We plan to reduce the price of places for each additional passenger, so that everyone can benefit equitably with the success of our service!

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